Esta semana inícianse os actos da IX Bienal de caricatura de Ourense. Varios humoristas gráficos colaboramos aportando a nosa particular visión do Carrabouxo, do xenial Xosé Lois. Aquí vai a imaxe que eu fixen, e que se poderá ver en Ourense estes días. Se alguén me preguntase que é iso do humor galego, non diría nada, e o remitiría ao Carrabouxo.
This week evertyhing will start at the 9th Ourense Cartoon Biennial. I have been asked, togther with other graphic humourists, to give our personal view of the Carabouxo, the character created by the genial Xosé Lois. Here is my contribution, which will be exhibited in ourense these days. If I somebody ever told me to define what Galicia humour is, I would quickly answer: read Xosé Lois's cartoons!!
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