viernes, 10 de abril de 2009
jueves, 9 de abril de 2009
"Cando eu saiba ler" ("When I can read")

Acaba de saír á luz un libro que escribiu Yolanda Castaño e que ilustrei eu, para Galaxia. Poesía para nenos que non saben aínda ler. Poesía para escoitar, para ler en voz alta, apra cantar, para engatusar. E, de fondo, as vogais. Teremos a primeira presentación pública da obra na FNAC da Coruña o sábado 25 de abril (a hora? pois aínda non a sei... confirmareino).

A new book has been released. It was written by Yolanda Castaño, and illustrated by me. The publisher, Galaxia. It's a book for children who cannot read yet. poestry to be listened to, to be read out loud, to be sung, to haunt. And everything with the five vowels! The first public presentation will take place in A Coruña, at FNAC, on April 25th (I do not still know the time, but I'll find out!)
Proxecto Terra

This is a comic material for the Galician Architects Association. It goes with other materials, like books, handouts, DVDs, and so on, and the addressees are Primary students of all ages.
miércoles, 8 de abril de 2009
Mural en Melide - Wall painting in Melide

A Xunta encargou a varias bibliotecas municipais galegas que, á súa vez, contactasen con ilustradores para elaborar unha ilustración mural nas súas dependencias. Eu traballo no IES Melide, e chamáronme da biblioteca municipal da vila. Aquí van os pasos de como está quedando o proxecto...que aínda non está rematado. Irei amosando o proceso ata que chegue ao final.
A superficie a ilustrar era unha secuencia de paredes ascendentes...e pensei en aproveitar a metáfora visual da subida, como símbolo da realización persoal: unha muller (en principio unha nena), debuxada a tamaño natural, vai subindo as escaleiras e medrando en cada tramo. Rodeándoa, os personaxes da literautra, as lecturas que a fan medrar como ser humano, ata entrar na biblioteca. Nun tramo que "pecha" o círculo, a muller, anciá, conta un conto á nena (ela mesma, si), co cal se conclúe que a arte nos fai ascender, e chega incluso a trascendernos.
The Xunta de Galicia told several municipal libraries to choose an illustrator to make a mural painting in their facilities. As I teach at Melide Highschool, they called me to do that work at melide Public Library. Here are some shots of the process (I haven't finished it yet!). As the surface consisted of three walls going up, I thought of drawing a metaphor of life: a woman (first a little girl) goes up, and she grows up as she walks up the stairs. Surrounding her, lots of fictional characters from the literature of all times (and places). Then, on a final little wall which "closes" the circle, the old lady tells a tale to the little girl (herself again), to represent that art overcomes us, and exists even beyond death.
Un loro para practicar inglés - A parrot to practise English

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