Llevo un tiempo trabajando en un material en cómic para Comisión para la Recuperación de la Memoria histórica d'A Coruña. Se trata de una historieta de 16 páginas que narra los hechos sucedidos en 1937 en O Portiño (A Coruña). Más de cien personas intentaban huír de la ciudad a territorio republicano (o simplemente hacia la vida). Y la huída fue frustrada, acabando en muertes, encarcelamientos, y posteriores ejecuciones. Un trabajo en el que, por primera vez, tengo que poner iámegens al dolor de muchas personas, cuyas familias viven hoy en día con el recuerdo de un pasado terrible. Aquí va una página del proceso, a lápiz. Saldrá publicado a mediados de noviembre, y se distribuirá a centros de seundaria.
I've been working some time on a project for the Comisión para la Recuperación de la Memoria histórica d'A Coruña. it's a comic "magazine" (16 pages) about some facts which happened in 1937: a hundred people planned to escape from the Fascist area (during the Spanish Civil War) by sea. But they couldn't. And it all ended up with killings, prison and executions. This was the first time for me in which I had to draw many people's pain and suffering. And this is a homage to the families of those who had no voice against so much injustice. Here is a pencil page. It will be released around the middle of november, and they will send it to Secondary schools.
I've been working some time on a project for the Comisión para la Recuperación de la Memoria histórica d'A Coruña. it's a comic "magazine" (16 pages) about some facts which happened in 1937: a hundred people planned to escape from the Fascist area (during the Spanish Civil War) by sea. But they couldn't. And it all ended up with killings, prison and executions. This was the first time for me in which I had to draw many people's pain and suffering. And this is a homage to the families of those who had no voice against so much injustice. Here is a pencil page. It will be released around the middle of november, and they will send it to Secondary schools.
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