Biblos acaba de sacar un libro que ilustrei, sobre un texto de Rocío Leira, UNIVERSO PITÁGORAS. Unha noveliña ben interesante, na que para ir avanzando na lectura hai que resolver enigmas matemáticos. Hai uns días, mentres impartía un obradoiro de ilustración na biblioteca Rialeda de Oleiros, un rapaz preguntaba se era un libro para os amantes das matemáticas. Eu díxenlle solemnemente que non...é para todos, sobre todo para os que necesitan que as matemáticas os seduza.
Biblos publishers have just released a book I have illustrated, UNIVERSO PITÁGORAS, written by Rocío Leira. Quite an interesting novel for young people, with a mathematical basis. The point is that if you want to read ahead, you have to solve some misteries based on numbers, operations, ... Some days ago, while I was teaching illustration to some groups of students at Oleiros public library, one of them asked me if that was a book for experts in Maths. I said NO. It is really thought for anyone, especially for those who need some mathematical seduction.
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