Ah, ¿y quién me inspiró los personajes? Muy fácil: la familia del escritor al completo. Cada uno de ellos es un padre, una madre, una sobrina, etc. del propio autor. Y el propio Vázquez Freire aparece en la imagen, de chándal, con una barriga que más bien parece una venganza.
When I got into the illustration proces of "María é maior" (Baía Edicións), by Miguel Vázquez Freire, I decided (as usual) to create a certain atmosphere, an exclusive tone, a sort of DNA. And then a character came to my mind: Pocoyó. It's a Spanish production, whose protagonist is a little boy, together with his close friends, and nearly anything else: no background, very few elements. This is because the characters are the really important element of the story. My book was inspired on its aesthetics, because when something is addressed to kids, everything has to made simple.
oh, and who inspired the characters of the book? Well, very easy: the writer's real famiy (parents, sisters, brothers in law,...). Even the author, Vázquez Freire, is portrayed with a belly which does not speak very well of me!!
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