Aquí podemos ver unha ilustración do libro "O monstro dos Ancares", de Galaxia. O autor do texto é Toño Núñez, naviego de pro (de Navia de Suarna, Os Ancares). E eu estiven catro anos dando clase alí. Desa amizade saiu este libro (e outros). Un día díxome que esta ilustración lle gustaba especialmente, Así que, vai por ti, mestre.
Here we can see an illustration from the book "The moster of Os Ancares", edited by Galaxia. The author of the text is Toño Núñez, from Navia de Suarna (Os Ancares - Lugo - Spain). And I was teaching there for four years. From that friendship there came this book (and some others). One day he told me he especially liked this illustration. So this is for you, my dear friend.
Here we can see an illustration from the book "The moster of Os Ancares", edited by Galaxia. The author of the text is Toño Núñez, from Navia de Suarna (Os Ancares - Lugo - Spain). And I was teaching there for four years. From that friendship there came this book (and some others). One day he told me he especially liked this illustration. So this is for you, my dear friend.
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