O pasado mes de decembro a editorial Galaxia publicou conxuntamente con El País unha longa lista de títulos da súa colección "Árbore" (que coordina Xosé A. Neira Cruz). O libro de Paco Martín "Sabeliña e os ratos", galardoado co primeiro premio no concurso "Contos para nenos" da Agrupación Cultural O Facho no ano 1973, fora xa publicado na edición colectiva Contos pra nenos en 1979. E agora, en 2007, tiven o encargo de ilustralo eu, o cal foi un auténtico un honor. Este título en concreto saiu o día 28 de decembro con El País, e foi o último da colección.

Máis arriba podedes ver a cuberta, e aquí uns bocetos e ilustracións definitivas. Foi curioso, porque o libro fala dunha nena á que lle caen os dentes (algo bastante natural en certas idades), e a etapa da ilustración do libro coincidiu con que a miña sobriña ía perdendo un dente un día si, outro tamén, e eu consolábaa con que iso era bo, e que ata facían libros dese tema. Ela sorría (e o seu sorriso delatábaa!!)

Last december the editing house Galaxia published, together with the newspaper El País, a long list of children's books from their collection "Árbore" (=tree), coordinated by the reputed writer X.A. Neira Cruz. Paco Martín's book, "Sabeliña e os ratos" (Sabeliña and the mice), had already been awarded the first prize in the contest "Contos para nenos" (tales for children) organised by O Facho. And it had laready neen published in the collective edition with the same name in 1979!! Now, in 2007 I was in charge of illustrating it, which was a great honour for me. This book was released with EL País on december 28th, and it was the last of the collection.
Here you can see the cover and some images from the inside, together with pencil sketches. it was funny: my nieces was lsing her teeth (she was seven) when I was drawing the book. I had to explain to her that it was such an important event that some people even wrote books about it!!

Last december the editing house Galaxia published, together with the newspaper El País, a long list of children's books from their collection "Árbore" (=tree), coordinated by the reputed writer X.A. Neira Cruz. Paco Martín's book, "Sabeliña e os ratos" (Sabeliña and the mice), had already been awarded the first prize in the contest "Contos para nenos" (tales for children) organised by O Facho. And it had laready neen published in the collective edition with the same name in 1979!! Now, in 2007 I was in charge of illustrating it, which was a great honour for me. This book was released with EL País on december 28th, and it was the last of the collection.
Here you can see the cover and some images from the inside, together with pencil sketches. it was funny: my nieces was lsing her teeth (she was seven) when I was drawing the book. I had to explain to her that it was such an important event that some people even wrote books about it!!
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