Esta fin de semana celébrase o Cultur-Gal, a feira dos editores e do audiovisual, na Coruña, no Palexco. E eu penso levar a meu fillo a ver a obra teatral Flis-fli-ris-flás, que representan o sábado en dous pases (mañá e tarde). A ver se o Martiño que debuxei se paece ao que representan os amigos da compañía Matapiollos. Por certo, seica aos nenos lles dá un medo moi rico a representación con luz negra.Next weekend it's Cultur-Gal, the fair of editing houses and audiovisual firms, in A Coruña (at Palexco). I will take my son to see Flis-fli-ris-flás there, on Saturday. Let's see if Martiño (the boy I drew for the book) looks after the one on the play. By the way, they say children feel afraid during the performance, because of the darkness of it How good!